
    The Customer Portal Dashboard is the main page for our users. From this dashboard, users can easily manage their business.

    Key Navigation Items 

    1. Main Navigation Panel
    2. Page Name & Breadcrumb Trail
    3. Command Buttons: Manage, Edit, & Tutorial
    4. Metric Cards
    5. Create Program
    6. Need Help?
    7. Manage you business
    8. Business Unit List & Navigation


    Main Navigation Panel

    Main Navigation Panel includes: 

    1. Dashboard
    2. Phone Numbers
    3. Image Gallery
    4. Users
    5. API Keys
    6. Reports

    Page Name & Breadcrumb Trail

    This area will display the Portal page and permit breadcrumb trail navigation (click to navigate to that page)

    Example given above: Norcross Call Center – Lyndsay's Little Bakery (Business) – Deliveries (Business Unit)

    Command Buttons

    Command Buttons include:

    1. Manage
    2. Edit
    3. Tutorials


    Manage is available at all Dashboard levels - Reseller, Business & Business Unit level.

    Depending on the Dashboard level will determine what is available in the Manage Dropdown.


    At the Reseller level, users will see "Create Business" as their only option.


    At the Business level, users will see 4 options:

    • Create Business Unit
    • Add Phone Numbers
    • Delete Phone Numbers
    • Export Phone Numbers

    Business Unit

    At the Business Unit level, users will see 4 options:

    • Create Program
    • Add Phone Numbers
    • Delete Phone Numbers
    • Export Phone Numbers


    Contextual Learning is available to assist in the use of the portal.

    Step 1: Click Tutorials to open a pop-up Learning window, when available, that will provide an instructional video of the current portal screen.

    Example 1: Business Dashboard


    Example 2: Business Phone Numbers


    Metric Cards

    Along the top middle of the screen are four (4) static metric cards with up-to-date information on the following:

    • Phone Numbers Under Management
    • Active Programs
    • Expiring Programs in the Next 7 Days
    • Total Display Names Active Today

    Quick Action Cards

    There are three (3) Quick Action cards on the Business and Business Unit dashboard.

    1. Create a program
    2. Need Help?
    3. Manage your business

    Create a Program

    Quickly create a program at any level.

    Need Help?

    Get quick access to the First Orion Help Center.

    Manage your Business

    Quickly view and manage your business details.

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