Customer Portal FAQs

    1. What counts as an answered call?

    When using the “Without Live Voicemail” Reporting View, an answered call is any call answered by a human interaction. Calls answered by a voicemail service do not count as answered calls in this view. When using the “With Live Voicemail” Reporting view, an answered call is any call answered by a human interaction OR calls answered by the Live Voicemail feature that Apple released with iOS17.

    2. Do voicemails count as an answered call?

    When using the “Without Live Voicemail” Reporting view, voicemails do not count as answered calls. When using the “With Live Voicemail” Reporting view, calls answered by Apple’s Live Voicemail feature will count as answered calls.

    3. Are call metrics available per carrier?

    This is not currently available; however, we are constantly evaluating new features for our product offerings and could make it available later. All new product features are announced in our release notes, which are found in the Help Center.

    4. Is it possible to see analytics based on calls per hour and day?

    This is not currently available; however, we are constantly evaluating new features for our product offerings and could make it available later. All new product features are announced in our release notes, which are found in the Help Center.

    5. Can I get advanced analytics reporting on a single number?

    This is not currently available; advanced analytics can only be enabled for a business. However, we are constantly evaluating new features for our product offerings and could make this available later. All new product features are announced in our release notes, which are found in the Help Center.

    6. What can cause a phone number to get rejected when trying to add it to a Program?

    Phone numbers are rejected if a different business has already claimed them. For example, “Matt’s Lawn Service” and “Matt’s Gardening” cannot both add the same phone number for branding. In this scenario, the second business to add the phone number will receive a “Number already allocated” error.

    7. How do I add a portal user as an Org Admin?

     Once signed into the portal as an Org Admin, the user must navigate to the business where they want to add the portal user. Once that is done, users can follow the user creation steps found in our Help Center article to add a portal user.

    8. How do I find the location of a TN for a Reseller?

    This is not currently available; however, we are constantly evaluating new features for our product offerings and could make this available later. All new product features are announced in our release notes found in the Help Center. In the meantime, you can open a support ticket, and our internal teams will provide this information.

    9. In reports, can I see more than 90 days’ worth of historical data?

    With Advanced Analytics, users can define the time range for reporting as they see fit, and most metrics can be viewed in whatever time range the user defines. However, some metrics can only be viewed back to 90 days’ worth of historical data. These metrics are defined by an asterisk in the reporting dashboard.

    10. What do the metrics cards on the portal dashboard landing page mean?

    Details on the metrics cards and their definitions can be found in our Help Center article.

    11. If I register a number, is it directly applied to branding? What is the difference between registering an A# and assigning it to branding?

    Registering a number is not the same as branding a number. When registering a number, it indicates that the number belongs to the business that uploaded it, and that information is used in our data models for Scam tagging. When adding a phone number to a program, it provides all the benefits of number registration but also results in the phone number showing the configured Display Name on outbound calls. Branding is inclusive of registration, but not the other way around. You can easily export a list of all registered numbers in the Reporting section of the Customer Portal under the “Registered Phones” Report.

    12. What is the difference between the quick analytics you see when you click on a program and what is in “Reports”?

    When you click on a program, the related metrics you see are an all-time snapshot of the program’s performance. When viewing reporting, you get a more granular look at the performance of a given phone number, and users with Advanced Analytics can define the exact time frame they wish to view metrics on.

    13. Can I remove a user myself?

    This is not currently available. Users can only be deleted by opening a support ticket. However, we are constantly evaluating new features for our product offerings and could make this available later. All new product features are announced in our release notes and can be found in our Help Center.

    14. My numbers are getting tagged as Spam or Scam, why? How do I resolve this?

    The Reputation Management section of our Help Center provides information about why numbers are being tagged and best calling practices to prevent tagging.

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