SENTRY Call Blocking FAQs

SENTRY is the most secure spoof-protection solution in the market. It is designed to meet all compliance requirements and employs advanced, continual business-vetting processes, ensuring your legitimate business calls are delivered, and only spoofed calls are blocked.

    How does SENTRY Call Blocking work?

    SENTRY Call Blocking is an out-of-band spoof-protection solution. If a call is not authenticated, it will not be delivered to the end user's device.

    1. At the time of call, the customer sends a Pre-Call API request to First Orion. First Orion creates a unique key for the calling number and called number.
    2. When the call reaches the terminating carrier, all calls made with the calling number will be checked by First Orion, and only calls with a corresponding Pre-Call API submission will be delivered. This ensures that only a business’ legitimate calls will be delivered to the end user. If a call does not have a key match, it will be blocked and not reach the end user’s device.

    Can I benefit from SENTRY Call Blocking?

    The target audience for SENTRY Call Blocking are businesses with large call volumes, such as Financial Service enterprises, Healthcare enterprises, and CPaaS/UCaaS providers.

    Financial Services, Healthcare organizations, and some Fortune 500 companies are at great risk of fraud and spoofing. By adding SENTRY Call Blocking to their fraud-prevention solution, they can protect their business and their customers.

    CPaaS providers and call and contact centers will also benefit from adding Sentry to their product offerings for their clients. Sentry is the most secure spoof-blocking solution on the market, making it a powerful competitive differentiator for these providers.


    Do I qualify for SENTRY Call Blocking?

    A qualified candidate for SENTRY Call Blocking will be a business with the ability to integrate an API into their custom platform before call initiation. Other qualified candidates may be businesses that use a calling platform that allows custom integrations.


    How can I figure out if SENTRY Call Blocking is for me?

    If you answer yes to the questions below, SENTRY Call Blocking may be the solution for you:

    1. Can you integrate API into outbound calling platform OR CRM?
      • Five9, Genesys, Amazon Connect can integrate the pre-call API
      • Other platforms can IF they are also using CRM, which would integrate the API

    How do I integrate SENTRY Call Blocking?

    To use SENTRY Call Blocking, a business must have the ability to integrate our Pre-Call API in front of call flow initiation. Businesses with custom platforms will be able to integrate the API, which will require developers on the client side. The API is designed to be easy to integrate. However, there may be additional requirements depending on their call initiation processes and platform configuration.


    Can I use SENTRY Call Blocking with INFORM? 

    Yes. SENTRY Call Blocking is an excellent complement to INFORM and allows businesses to make powerful brand experiences while proactively blocking bad actors from spoofing their business numbers. Customers can choose to apply INFORM, INFORM with Logo, and SENTRY by program.


    What are the reporting capabilities of SENTRY Call Blocking?

    SENTRY Call Blocking reports the number of Pre-Call API requests made by the client, blocked calls and delivered calls.

    Pre-Call API requests are pulled from an internal Databricks repository, and the treatment of the call is pulled from TMO's network. This data will be displayed in the Customer Portal.  Customers will see the number of Pre-Call API requests, blocked calls, calls allowed to continue, and branded vs non-branded counts.


    What is the value of SENTRY Call Blocking?

    Scammers commonly use spoofing to exploit customers for financial gain or personal information. Enterprises that handle sensitive information are common targets for impersonation. SENTRY Call Blocking enables businesses to block illicit, spoofed calls of their business numbers, ensuring that only their legitimate calls are delivered to customers.


    What is the SENTRY Call Blocking onboarding process?

    • Business registration and vetting via portal or API
    • Submission and vetting of telephone numbers
    • Pre-Call API integration

    Can SENTRY Call Blocking be used for calls made to landline devices?

    No. SENTRY Call Blocking can us used for calls that terminate on T-Mobile's mobile network. SENTRY Call Blocking cannot be used for calls that terminate on a landline. The industry authentication method for calls terminating on a landline is STIR/SHAKEN.


    What is an API?

    API is an acronym for an application programming interface. An API is a way for two applications to communicate with one another.  Here's a resource:


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