Remediation FAQs

Remediation is a self-service appeal process that enables you to work with the Mobile Analytics Engines directly to address the mislabeling of your outbound calling numbers. Remediation should only be initiated after you’ve completed business number registration and have consistently used Call Behavior Best Practices.   During the appeal process, Mobile Analytic Engines will verify the calling activity related to the phone number.  Various factors are evaluated to determine if the tag is appropriate, including phone number history, calling patterns and recipient responses (i.e complaints, call blocking or spam reporting of the number). You may initiate this process through each Mobile Analytic Engine’s website.

    What should I do if I believe that I am following good calling practices, but my calls are still being tagged?

    You may appeal to a Mobile Analytic Engine provider directly on their website.

    1. AT&T
    2. T-Mobile
    3. Verizon
    4. Rogers

    Can the AFFIRM display data help me to appeal a tagging decision with Mobile Analytic Engines?                                        

    AFFIRM’s validation call detail provides the outbound calling number, the called number, and the tag to help with the investigation to lift or sustain the tag.

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